What is organic residue?
Food waste, solid or semisolid, of animal or vegetable origin that is discarded,
thrown away or disposed of that its biodegradable.

Fruit and vegetables and their peel

Eggs and eggshells

Bread and bread making ingredients


Logs and branches

Dried leaves

Food leftovers

Meat and bone trimmings

Fish remains and fishbones

Seafood remains

Flowers and trimmings

Crop remains

Expired products

Ruminal contents

Sawdust and wood shavings

WWTP sludge

Farmyard manure
The waste we generate at home and at commercial establishments and industries causes negative environmental
impact due to its uncontrolled decomposition and rotting process. Some of the impacts are:
Pollution of the affluents of rivers, due to the exposal of the leachate to other toxic substances.
Production of CO2 and methane that contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer.
Proliferation of insects, rodents and birds of prey.
Sources of infection for human beings.
Visual pollution.
Generation of unpleasant odors.
Integral management of organic residue
The service of integral management of organic residue aims at creating awareness and training, to later collect and profit. It manages the selective collection and technical transport of our clients organic residue to the treatment plant of Organicos del Caribe. There, residue is transformed into high quality organic fertilizer through a composting process. At the same time, Organicos del Caribe provides the following services:
Training in the proper separation and handling of organic residue straight at the source. Without the proper separation carried out by our clients right at the source, the process at the plant would not be possible.
Raising awareness in your work team on the importance and the responsibility that preserving the environment represents.
Fulfilling our clients corporate social responsibility norms.
Delivering a monthly certificate that states the quantity of organic residue collected (in cubic meters m3 or kilograms kg).
Collection at least 3 times a week.
Brand packaging destruction
The service of packaging destruction takes our clients worries away by guaranteeing the complete destruction of wrappings, containers and packagings with the name of your brand on them, so that they cannot be reused in any way. The organic residue left is later used in our composting process. Our clients are given:
Photographic evidence of the destruction of the packagings.
A certificate that states the quantity that is disposed (in cubic meters m3 or kilograms kg).
Technical disposal of organic residue
Organicos del Caribe offers its technical disposal of organic residue to those clients who are able to transport their residue to our composting plant. The organic material is received in bulk, stored in tanks or wrapped up. Our clients are given:
Photographic evidence of the received material.
A certificate that states the quantity that is disposed (in cubic meters m3 or kilograms kg).
Before operations, Organicos del Caribe gives awareness talks to our clients staff in charge of handling organic residue, in order to ensure an adequate separation of the residue at the source. This is vital to providing proper use and service of the organic residue.
This training guarantees organic material free from impurities such as plastic, metal, glass and polystyrene, among others. These materials would not allow the proper decomposition of the organic residue, causing inconvenients in the composting process, besides generating our clients cost.
Our purpose is to cause positive social impact by encouraging a close relationship between human beings and the environment, and by acknowledging the responsibilities we have being Earth inhabitants. We offer a tour of our Center for Knowledge Transfer to raise social awareness on the negative impact caused by organic residue, the environmental benefits of turning waste into organic fertilizer and the benefits of the use of organic fertilizer in crops and gardens.
Want to be part of this initiative?
Contact us and request a technical visit from one of our consultants to ensure customized service of your needs. Agree upon collection frequency, storage methods and awareness processes.
3145072489 – info@organicosdelcaribe.com